Sunday, February 3, 2013

President Reports are due February 21st.

Please don't forget to check your child's binder nightly.  Your child has been bringing home several important things that you need to see at night.  One of them is a President Report.  Your child has been assigned a specific President to do a report on.  Please pay close attention to the 2 sheets that came home regarding this project.  The due date is the same day as our Charlotte's Web play.  Your child will bring the assignment in this day, but will present the next day due to the field trip.

Remember that the PTA is having the Annual Multicultural Festival and State of the World night this Monday, February 4th at 6:00.  Please refer back to the yellow flier that came home with the details.

Our extremely generous class has been doing an amazing job of bringing in items for the food drive.  Our box is overflowing and the food just keeps coming! Great news, the drive has been extended for two more days.  The pick up will be this Tuesday.  So if your child wants to bring in more items Monday and Tuesday they are welcome to do so.  Thank you so much for helping your child understand the importance of helping others in our community.  Also a great big thank you to Mrs. Lancaster for heading up this project for 2nd and 3rd grade.

HUGE NEWS FOR ROOM 124! We were the top money making class for the Just Give campaign! Our highest person was Kathleen! Way to go Kathleen! We are very excited about our party, and we are even more excited about getting to watch Mrs. Green roller skate! What a fun time that is going to be! Again Parents, your support is incredible and so appreciated!! And don't you worry, Mrs. Culp will film it just so you can enjoy the roller skating with us!

Your child brought home a list of names for our class to use when making Valentine's for their friends.  Your child doesn't have to participate, but if they do, they need to have a Valentine for each child in the class. 

We need white gift bags and anything that can be used to decorate the bags for Valentine's Day.  We love stickers, etc.  The white gift bags can be found at the Dollar Tree.  We have 24 total students. 

If you haven't sent in your money and permission slip for the Rosa Parks Museum field trip please send it tomorrow.  We are super busy during the month of February!

Also, be on the lookout for information to come home regarding the Valentine Party.

Thanks so much for all you do to support our classroom! Please email me with any questions or concerns.  Have a super week!

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