Sunday, October 28, 2012

Alabama Archives Museum


New Nine Weeks!

We had such a fun and busy week last week.  I will add some slideshows to share the fun.  We have another fun and busy week of learning coming up this week.

*  Very important! Downtown has issued a change for our Spelling grades.  From now on your child will have two spelling daily grades under Grammar in STI for each nine weeks.  Those two grades will consist of all of the spelling Test for each Unit averaged together to make one grade.  This will be an average of about 4 or 5 spelling test for each Unit.  I will hold those spelling test in my grade book and average them together once the Unit is over.  You will get all of those test stapled together in signed papers once we have completed that Unit. 

* The Book Fair will continue this week Until Thursday, November 1st.  If your child brings money, they will be sent to shop.  You may want to specify with them specific items you want them to purchase with their money.  My own children both came home with "slime" that I don't care for.  I should have been more specific in my shopping directions for them.  :)  I wanted to make sure you knew there are items other than books that may be purchased.

November 1st is the last day for the Just Give Campaign.
* November 9th is an early release day for students.  I am sure you have all received the recording about this, but please let me know if you have any questions.  Blount will dismiss at 1:10 that day.

November 12th is a school Holiday for Veteran's Day.

I realize that this Wednesday evening may be a big night for the kids so we will go ahead and test on Chapter 3 in Math this Wednesday to avoid the homework Wednesday night.  We will also have a Science Vocabulary test for Chapter 3 this Wednesday.  Your child brought a study sheet home last week for these words.  We will not have any homework Wednesday night.

Story: The Bremen Town Musicians
Phonics: Plurals
Comprehension Skill: Author's Purpose
Comprehension Strategy: Story Structure
Grammar: Plural Nouns that change Spelling
Math: Chapter 3 Test this Wednessday
Science: Chapter 3 Vocabulary Test Wednesday

Please don't forget to sign up for STI so you can see your child's grades earlier than signed papers if you need to.

When you are viewing the following slideshows, please click on the Title of the slideshow for the pictures to show correctly.

Email me with any questions you may have.  Have a SUPER week!!

Celebrating Drug Free Week

Skeleton Parade

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Busy Week Ahead!

We are celebrating Red Ribbon Week this week at Blount.  Your child brought home a paper this past Friday telling you everything we are doing during the week. 

The Book Fair is coming!  We are scheduled for a preview day this Thursday and then shopping will begin this Friday.  It will continue until Thursday, November 1st.  Your child brought home a brochure telling you about it last week.  This year they aren't able to take credit cards from parents, they will only be accepting cash or checks.  I can send your child each day they have money at designated times to shop. 

Our Field Trip to The Alabama Dept. of Archives and History is this Thursday.  I am so sad that I have 8 parents that want to go, but we can only have 2 from each class.  To be fair, I took the first two forms that were in my mailbox and they were from Coco and Jordan.  I will email you moms more specifics. 

We are going to be cooking pumpkin seeds this Friday if any of you would like to join us for that.  We have plenty of room for you in our classroom! Please email me if you want to join us Friday.  I would love for one of you to carve a -2nd- into our pumpkin for us, if you have this talent that I am lacking!

We finished the first nine weeks this past Friday.  Your child will receive their report card at dismissal this Thursday.  We are starting the new nine weeks tomorrow. 

What an amazing time we had at the Fall Festival! I know the PTA is so appreciative of everything you did to contribute to this great night.  I would love to give a great big thank-you to Kathleen's mom for heading up such a perfect night! I heard about it all day Friday.  I would say a good time was had by all.

Story: Turtle's Race with Beaver
Genre: Folk Tale
Phonics: r-controlled vowels -er, -ir, -ur
Comprehension Skill: Sequence
Comprehension Strategy: Summarize
Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns
Math: Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction

Please email me with any questions you may have.  Also let me know if at any time you would like to sit down for a conference.

Classroom Need: HP ink cartridges 96 black and 97 tri-color

Have a SUPER week!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Second Grade Super Stars!

I sure do love      
hese faces, serious and silly!   

Wrapping up our first nine weeks

Our First nine weeks will end this Friday.  Report cards will not come home until October 25th.  Please make sure you are checking STI if you want to see your child's progress sooner than when signed papers come home every other week. 

The kids are so excited about the Blount Fall Festival this week.  If you ordered the wristbands ahead of time, please look for them to come home in your child's binder in an envelope if you haven't already received them.  Also, if you are able to volunteer at the Fall Festival or contribute items, please don't forget to send those in as well.  I know we have some pretty incredible parents from our classroom that are working very hard to make the Fall Festival a super night of fun for everybody! You are greatly appreciated! I see a homework free night for Thursday in our future as well.  Happy Fall!

Reminder: Juice and/or snack money has to be turned in on Monday unless your child is absent.  If your child is absent on a Monday the office will accept it that Tuesday.  This money doesn't go to the same account that lunch money goes to so make sure you send it separately.  I have to have a check or exact change to turn into the office.

This teacher is incredibly proud to say that we had every single student score a 100 on the Science Vocabulary test last week!! I am so proud!

Story: Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Comprehension Skill: Realism and Fantasy
Comprehension Strategy: Prior Knowledge
Grammar: Proper Nouns

Math: Chapter 3 Addition and Subtraction
Next week we will be cooking pumpkin seeds and doing some Math activities with a pumpkin.  If anybody would like to donate a pumpkin for us, please let me know.

Congratulations to Alexis and her family.  Alexis is now a big sister again to a beautiful baby girl!

Please email me with any questions you may have.  Have a super week!

Rockin' Recess

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Author Visit, Dirt Babies, Readers Theater, & Walking to School Blount Style

Happy Fall!

I wanted to give a great big thank-you to Mrs. Scafe for making our class directories.  Your child brought one home last week.  If you have any changes or corrections please send me an email so I can let her know.  Thank you Mrs. Scafe!!

Also, thanks to Mrs. Carney for combining our emails for me! I sent a test email Saturday night.  Please respond to that email so I will know you received it.  If you didn't receive an email from me, please let me know.  This will be a much quicker way to communicate during the week if I haven't touched base with you about something on our blog.  Thank you Mrs. Carney!!

Teacher Treat Day was Wonderful! We absolutely have the most amazing PTA! Thank you Mrs. Scafe, Mrs. Carney, Mrs. Foley, and Mrs. Bailey for taking the kids to lunch.

Your child has been bringing home a very large amount of paperwork over the last couple of weeks.  Please make sure you are checking their binders nightly so you don't miss any important information that may be coming home.  I have also been asking the kids to be responsible with making sure you see the information at night.  For example, a Science study guide came home last week for a test this Thursday.  It is very important that your child studies the vocabulary words a little bit each night. 

School pictures are this Thursday.  Your child doesn't have to wear their uniform, but they still have to follow school guidelines on the dress code. 

We will be creating very large skeletons this week which will require A LOT of white paper plates and brads.  If you are able to send in either of these supplies please do so by Wednesday.  We will be making them Thursday and Friday this week. 

Your child has a new sheet of Spelling Words for Unit 2 in their binder.  We will begin with the Unit 2 Week 1 words this week. 

Story this Week: Tara and Tiree
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
Phonics: r-Controlled ar, or, ore
Comprehension Skill: Sequence
Comprehension Strategy: Predict
Grammar: Nouns

We will have a Math test this Tuesday.  I am sorry about the delays last week, but we needed more time on the chapter.  Please look for the review sheet to come home this Monday. 

We will have a Science Vocabulary Test this Thursday.  Your child received a study guide for it last week.

Remember to check STI if you need to keep a close eye on your child's grades before you see signed papers. 

Have a super week!