Sunday, June 3, 2012


Just a few things as we wind down our last week of 2nd grade!

We have drawn new self portraits of ourselves at the end of 2nd grade.  We got our time capsules out from the beginning of the year and have had so much fun comparing how different we look at the end of the year.  I'll add a slideshow this week of all of our pictures.  Due to the ugly sick bug that has been visiting our room, we haven't all been able to share yet. 

If you signed up to bring in an item to help us celebrate 2nd grade this week, please don't forget to send it in tomorrow.  Also, if your child has a fun board game they would like to share with the class they may bring it in this Wednesday.  Please keep in mind that games with a lot of pieces need to be secured so the pieces aren't lost.  We will come back home with the game that Wednesday afternoon. 

Your child will be bringing home a lot of items this week.  We will spread out things so they won't have too much to carry at a time.  Please be aware that your child has some pretty important treasures in their writing journal that they will want to keep and share with you.  I had a parent last year that had to "find" their child's writing journal in a large trash can after the backpack was cleaned out.  I do not want this to happen to any of you!

I sent home Dibels results early.  If you sent it back signed, you get a gold star, and I will send it right back home to you in your child's report card this week.  :)  I was so excited for you to see such amazing results, I sent it too quickly!

For families that are moving, I will be sending home your child's purple reading folder.

                                                              MUCH, MUCH LOVE!
                                                                       MRS. CULP