Sunday, February 23, 2014

McWane Center is Coming this Thursday!

I am so excited for the kids to experience the McWane Center! Unless your child is sick, please make sure they are at school this Thursday.  They are going to LOVE it, and learn so much!

This week is a review week, so we won't have spelling words or a reading story test.  We will take our Unit 4 test.

We will finish our Math chapter on money and time on Monday and test on it Tuesday.  Please make sure your child is comfortable with the review/study guide that will come home for homework Monday night.

Please check your child's binder for the Mixed Bag fundraiser the school is doing. 

Email me with any questions you may have.  Have a fantastic week!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Visit with Jessie

Valentine Party

Kids are out of school Monday, February 17th

A great big thank-you to our amazing room moms for a fantastic Valentine Party on Friday! They worked so hard, and the kids had a blast! We appreciate you both so much!!

Remember to send in the money for the McWane Center this week by Friday, if you haven't already sent it in.

Grade Level t-shirt money for 2nd grade will be collected this Thursday, February 20th.  Please turn in the order form along with the money on that day, if you are purchasing a shirt.  Remember that this is the only day the office is taking the money for our grade.  Please check for the other collection days if you have kids in other grades.

We will have a Science Voc. test this Thursday on Chapter 6.  Your child brought home a study guide last week.

We will have our class group picture this Thursday, Feb. 20th.  Remember that your child needs to be in school uniform for this picture.

President Reports are due this Friday, Feb. 21st.  Please make sure your child follows the guidelines on the paper that came home. 

Continue to practice with counting money and telling time at home.  We are doing a fantastic job with it at school.

Story this Week: Helen Keller and the Big Storm
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
Voc. Strategy: Context Clues
Comp. Skill: Fact and Opinion
Comp. Strategy: Ask Questions
Grammar: Adverbs that Tell How

Have a SUPER week!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Valentine Party is Friday, February 14th 1:30-2:15

Please check your child's take home folder.  There were so many important things that came home last week. 
* Donuts for Dads on Tues. and Wed.
* Class Picture order form.  Please return if you would like to purchase.
* Valentine Party Information from our room moms.  I had 3 forms turned in
without the money.  The room moms are going to purchase everything once all of the money is turned in. 
* Class list came home for your child to address their Valentine cards for their classmates.
* McWane Center show coming up at the end of the month.  Please send $3.50.
* Feb. 17th Kids are out of school.  It is a teacher in service day.

Grade Level T-shirts can be purchased for 2nd grade on February 20th only.  Each grade level has a certain day the money can be turned in and 2nd grade is on the 20th.  The cost for the shirts is $12.00.  Your child will be allowed to wear this shirt along with jeans every Tuesday. 

Please send in all of your broken and unused crayons by Tuesday this week.  We are going to do a fun Valentine activity with them.

We are continuing with Money in Math.  I may have a room full of bankers because the kids have loved learning about money.  We are practicing with our pretend money at school.  It would be a great idea to practice with real money at home.  Give your child a handful of coins and have them practice making different amounts.  Also, start practicing Telling time to the hour and half hour.

President Reports are due Feb. 21st.  Please remember to follow the guidelines that were sent home.

Story this Week: I like Where I am
Genre: Narrative Poem
Phonics: Diphthongs oi, oy
Voc. Strategy: Context Clues
Comp. Skill: Theme and Plot
Comp. Strategy: Summarize
Grammar: Adverbs that tell when and where

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a SUPER week!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Back On Track!

WOW! What a wild week we had! I hope everybody enjoyed our snow break!

Due to our unexpected days off, we will not test on the reading story from last week, and we will not have our Friday Spelling test from last week.  We will continue with those skills, but move on to our new story for this week, along with our new spelling words for this week.

We will have our Science Voc. test Monday, Feb. 3rd.  I am sure the kids are more than prepared by now. 

I will also give the kids until Monday to turn in any Scholastic Orders that they had from last week.  I will call the orders in Monday night.  If you order online, go ahead and get those submitted.

Don't forget about the President Report project that came home last Monday.  Your child has a President, so they are ready to begin their research. 

Please refer to the right side of our blog for upcoming dates.  PTA Multi-Cultural night is this Tuesday night.

For our upcoming Valentine's party we will need white gift bags with handles if anybody would like to send them in.  We will also need Valentine stickers etc. to decorate the bags.  I will send home a list of our class names for your child to address their Valentine cards.  If your child participates, remember that they need one for each child in the class.  Be on the lookout for more information to come home about our Valentine party from our awesome room moms. 

Remember to practice counting change with your child at home.  We will continue with money this week in Math.  The kids loved working with pretend money last Monday.

I wanted to give you a heads-up that my Dad had surgery last Tuesday and ended up having complications.  I go to great links not to be out, but there is a possibility of it until things are better for him.  Thank you for understanding.

Please remember to check and help your child clean out their take home folders.  Their Reading Log needs to be signed nightly.  Also, the papers on their -keep at home- side need to be cleaned out.  I send home the Math lesson in case you want to review it with them at night.  Otherwise it can be cleaned out as well.

Please email me with any questions or concerns.  Have a SUPER week!