Sunday, April 1, 2012


This is what the buzz is going to be about in Room 124!! I can't wait to teach the kids about Literature Circles! This is going to involve a lot of modeling and practicing, but the end result is going to be wonderful!

We will be celebrating SAT testing for 3-5 graders by wearing the following each day this week:

Monday –“Shine bright on testing”, wear sunglasses

Tuesday – “Hit a homerun on the test”, wear a baseball hat or visor

Wednesday – “Sock it to testing”, roll up your pants and wear crazy socks

Thursday – “Team Up for testing”, wear your blount shirt or other favorite team jersey

I am going to send home a reminder with your child this week, but I wanted to give you a heads up that each child needs a new pack of markers for their pencil box at their desk. We did a marker check the Friday before Spring Break and we are running very low. I would also encourage you to have your child write his or her intials or name on each marker. We are finding several markers on the floor at the end of the day. If the marker has an initial or name we can get it back to the right owner. I have also found that the kids LOVE writing with the skinny markers, especially during Journal time. So if you would like to get those as well, I know your child would love it. Ask your child about any other supplies they may be low on. I have been surprised at how markers have completely replaced crayons in our room.

Please don't forget that this Friday, April 6th we will be out of school for a weather day that we didn't need. Lets all cross our fingers that we have another perfect weather day!

Story: Signmaker's Assistant
Genre: Humorous Fiction
Phonics: Vowels aw, au, augh, al
Voc.  Strategy: Word Structure
Comp. Skill: Realism and Fantasy
Comp. Strategy: Monitor and Fix Up
Grammar: Contractions

Math: We will finish Chapter 17 - Probability - and test this week.  The test is tentative for Wednesday.  Please look for the Math Review sheet to come home that we have before each test.  We have had a lot of fun with this chapter.  It involved a lot of spinning, drawing, coloring, and shaking blocks in bags.

I can't wait to see my favorite 18 smiling faces in the morning! I have missed their sweet, sweet faces!

Please email me with any questions or concerns.  Also, let me know if you would like to sit down for a conference at any time. 

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