Sunday, January 13, 2013


Please make sure you look on the right side of the blog for all of the upcoming events for January. 

We had a super busy week last week as we got back into the routine of things full speed.  This week is a review week in Reading which means we will not have new spelling words or a Reading story to test on.  We will have a unit 3 benchmark test that will cover all of the skills we have learned for unit 3.  We will continue with chapter 6 in Math on 3-digit addition and subtraction.  The kids are doing great with it so far.  Don't forget that they bring their daily sheets home in their take home folder if you want to review with them.  We will also begin a very big unit on Balancing and Weighing in Science.  The kids are going to LOVE it!

I need your help with a few things as we are working on responsibility and preparing for 3rd grade. 

In the morning, your child should be unpacked and ready for their day before that last bell rings and announcements start.  The kids have a morning routine of unpacking at their lockers, getting pencils sharpened, etc. The kids know that they can visit for a few minutes as they are unpacking, but then they have things to do to be prepared for their day.  We had one day last week when 5 kids just walked in the door as announcements were starting, but none of them were tardy at the office.  So I am not sure if we are visiting on the way down to the room or just taking a very long time to get there.  So if your child is dropped off in the carpool line please remind them that they need to head on to class quickly so they are unpacked and ready for their day before that last bell. 

When signed papers come home this Thursday please look for problems or questions that may have been skipped.  I stress to the kids before every test and assignment to go back when they are finished and make sure they haven't skipped a question or a problem.  If they skip it, they miss it.  Also, if your child doesn't turn in an assignment that is graded they receive a 0 for that assignment.  Again, they are continually reminded to do this.  If you notice a 0 on INow for your child, and you didn't see this paper in their signed papers then they didn't turn the assignment in. 

Thank you so much for helping me by reinforcing these reminders with your child.  We are going to be ready and responsible 3rd graders next year!

Please email me with any questions or concerns.  Have a SUPER week!

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